Keys to species Caulerpa


1. Plants without distinction of stoloniferous and erect portions, or if these are distinguishable they are similar in form
C. fastigiata
1. Plants with contrasting stoloniferous and rhizoidal erect portion
2. Erect blades flat, entire, sparingly proliferous from the stalk or face of the blade
C. prolifera
2. Erect portion of the plant either filiform or more massive, variously branched, lobed or cleft
3. Branchlets or lobes of the erect blades with minutely aculeate tips
3. Branchlets or lobes with smooth, rounded, or flattened tips
4. Branchlets normally and regularly forked
4. Branchlets, lobes, or teeth simple or only occasionally forked
5. Plants large and bushy, with an obvious branched stalk 1-3 mm diam., bearing slender pinnately divided branchlets on the upper portion only
C. paspaloides
5. Plants more delicate, the stalks of the erect portions not notably differentiated
6. Branchlets short, the divisions less than 10 diameters long
6. Branchlets with longer and verticillate divisions
7. Branchlets constricted sharply at each forking
C. murrayi
7. Branchlets unconstricted
C. webbiana
8. Plants small, t about 2.5 cm tall, the verticils small and crowded, the stolons notably hairy, the branchlts constricted at the forks, not mucronate
C. pusilla
8. Plants to 7.0 cm tall, the verticils conspicuous, well separated, the stolons naked or nearly so, the branchlets not constricted, bimucronate
9. Branchlets filiform, in many ranks or randomly distributed
9. Branchlets or teeth 2-few ranked
10. Stolons naked
C. cupressoides
10 Stolons tomentose
C. lanuginosa
11. Erect branches bearing flat blades with broad flat marginal pinnae
C. mexicana
11. Branchlets or teeth terete or compressed
12. Branchlets or teeth usually short and not constricted at the base
12. Branchlets usually elongate and constricted at the base
13. Branchlets strongly compressed, tapering to the apex
13. Branchlets terete or somewhat compressed, cylindrical or expanded towards the apex.
14. Branchlets nearly cylindrical, 03 - 0.5 mm diam
14. Branchlets somewhat compressed, gradually expanded from a slender base to the rounded, apiculate tip, 1.5 - 2.0 mm diam.
C. floridana
15. Branches compressed above, even band-shaped, often notably spirally twisted, marginally dentate; the teeth generally in a single row on the outer edge of the spiral
C. serrulata
15. Branches terete or compressed, not notably twisted; teeth generally 2 or more ranked, short, but in some varieties or more diameters long and interpretable as branchlets
C. cupressoides
16. Branchlets nearly or quite cylindrical and clearly pinnately 2 ranked
16. Branchlets spherical, clavate or otherwise distally enlarged, if nearly cylindrical not regularly pinnate
17. Very small plant, 1-2 cm tall, the cylindrical branchlets on repeatedly forked axes, the pinnules occasionally forked, occasionally divided in coralloid fashion
C. vickersiae
17. Quite large plants, reacing 1 dm or more in height; the brachlets very slightly clavate near the tips, on undivided axes
C. ashmeadii
18. Branchlets subsessile, the very short stalk with a definite constriction at the summit
C. microphysa
18. Brachlets with a mre obvious stalk, which is not at all constricted
19. Ends of the branchlets generally sharply swollen, yet varying from nearly cylindircal or clavate to subspherial or frontally slightly compressed
19. Ends of the brachlets terminating abruptly in a peltate disk